Saturday 14 March 2015

Chacha Thaib - (Akhirnya) Dilamar!

Ternyata kekepoan kalian berlanjut yah sampe gimana ceritanya akhirnya kami lamaran :))

Sebenernya udah pernah saya ceritain di sini prosesi lamarannya, cuma memang belum detail banget gimana dilamarnya, kapan dll.

Jangan ngebayangin lamaran pribadi saya sama Aa tuh kaya di-film yang cowoknya berlutut dengan bawa cincin deh, jangan. Karena ini mah jauuuuuh daripada itu.

Jadi ceritanya waktu itu saya ke Bandung buat datengin nikahannya Aska RR, nah besokannya tuh ada rencana kami memang mau berangkat ke Ciamis tempat keluarga besarnya Aa.
Sebelumnya tuh saya pernah ke Ciamis kan, dan waktu itu di depan Masjid yang di Alun-alun Ciamis tuh dia ngasih cincin, tapi ga ngomong apa-apa. Cuma cincin aksesoris biasa gitu, bukan emas malah, cincin keluarannya Mango. Keliatan kan bukan ngajak serius? padahal aslinya saya udah ngarep dia ngomong apaaa gitu, eh ini mah ngga :p

Alanda Kariza - My Engagement Day

To sum 2014 in one word, I would choose the word commitments. A word that to some people might sound scary, but could be exciting for the rest. For me, it was not a walk in the park, but it made me learn many things about growing up and adulthood.

The beginning of the year was marked by the establishment of a home business with my best friends, Amame Ice Cream Therapy. It was not a smooth year for us, I can guarantee, but all of us got to learn so many things in the span of 12 months  (especially about making ice creams :D).
At work, I began the year by being assigned into a role that I very much was very interested in. Today, a year later, I am still in the same role, being grateful that I have rolled out brand activations that brought exciting results. 

In terms of love life, 2014 gave us a roller coaster ride. It was a rather stable journey for me career-wise, but for my partner, it was the year for him to chase his dreams. It turned out that chasing dreams could come in a package full not only of passion, but also meltdowns and heartbreaks. (By the end of the year, he finally got to achieve his dream, though). 

Little that I know that one week after my book Travel Young was launched, he was going to propose.
It was a Saturday, December 27. Because our relationship anniversary falls on the 27th of April, on the date of 27 every month, we always spare our time to hang out, may it be to go to the movies, enjoy some street food, or go DVD-shopping. That day, we went to get our hair cut, then he took me to my favourite restaurant in Darmawangsa. 

We talked about so many things over dinner. When our plates were finished, he held my hand, gave a “review” about our relationship in the past one and a half year… The things he liked, and the things he hope us would never have to go through again. At the end of his, sort of speech, he suddenly popped the question.
I was surprised because I had not guessed it would have happened this fast, especially knowing the fact that one week later he was going to fly to Melbourne to pursue his Masters degree for two years. But there he was, asking me if I want to marry him or not, having prepared everything for us to have an engagement ceremony before he leaves. 

And, predictably, I said yes. :)